It was a fruitful session attending an Entrepreneurship training program for future trainers of a well-developed package. I really appreciated Swati taking the time to go through each slide meticulously so that we are all on the same page when it comes to future delivery. I am actually very thrilled to learn that there are follow-up modules for our children who wish to deep dive into the art of entrepreneurship. It is heartening to know that you begin with clearly defining what entrepreneurship is because I believe it sets the groundwork for future aspiring entrepreneurs to understand what truly is their endeavour. I am thrilled that program attendees will be guided step by step through what it takes to be future problem solvers for the greater good of humanity. That their business ideals will not only bring prosperity to their business entities and personal gains but also to help society live a better life. Elements such as building empathy, a keen observation as well as creative design thinking are skills that I firmly believe our youth needs as they traverse this 4th revolution. Keep it up, Swati. I will be honoured to help you propagate this course in the near future.